UTA Signs Deadfellaz NFT Project
By LifeisNFTs

As web3 products gain traction with mainstream audiences, firms like Deadfellaz are experimenting with new approaches to give a better user experience. For instance, one brand just secured an exclusive representation agreement that covers merchandising and game collaborations.


Deadfellaz, which was launched last summer by "Betty" and "Psych," followed the lead of other huge initiatives by creating a collection of 10,000 zombie-themed NFTs on the Ethereum network.


"Betty and Psych are great visionaries and leaders, and we're excited to collaborate with them on ways to provide value to the Deadfellaz community and make the metaverse a more fair place," Lesley Silverman, head of Web3 at UTA, told The Hollywood Reporter.


Deadfellaz has amassed over $82 million in sales since the introduction of their debut collection. Today, the average price of 2.46 ether (about $7,600) on OpenSea, a reputable NFT trading platform.


Concerning DeadFellaz NFT


DeadFellaz is a collection of 10,000 NFTs (ERC-721s) based on Ethereum that was introduced in August 2021. Betty, a co-director at a creative production business, and Psych, the collection's primary artist, are the co-founders. Maddy Kenyon was identified as the 3D lead artist for DeadFellaz.


Over 300 randomly generated qualities and attributes are included in the collection, including mouth, eye, head, and body grades.



The project's popularity is largely due to the team's activity and pursuit of ambitious targets, as well as the presence of a range of celebrity DeadFellaz holders.


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