Jaen, Crypto Artist and Art Director {NFT HEROS INTERVIEW }
By LifeisNFTs

Besancia: Hello, Jaen, and thank you for taking the time to read this! As part of our series on the ecosystem's important participants, I wanted to ask you a few questions. First, please introduce yourself.

Jn: My artistic career began with traditional, physical art, 3D printed street art, and augmented reality. I also did a lot of commercial work for companies like Disney, Diesel, and PayPal. I'd been experimenting with digital for a while and felt that you shouldn't always wait till you have a physical justification to create digital work.

When I discovered NFTs in 2020, it answered all the questions I had. There is no requirement for physical material to enhance digital art. It already works, and there is a vibrant culture. I made the decision to become full-time at the end of 2020 without hesitation.

Do you have a project right now?

Jaen: Of course! It's called The Big Dream, and it's run by a group called Dream. We were able to assemble a team of more than 60 artists from all around the world, with more than half of them being women! Parity is critical to the success of this initiative.

We gather dreams from around the world. The notion is straightforward: simply go large. drea. me and share your 2030 vision of the future. How do you imagine the world in 2030?

We gathered thousands of dreams from around the world, and the artists pulled from this database to portray them. It's a truly emotional and unique experience as if you're peering into humanity's psyche.

Among these artworks, we created 500, which we then combined to create a single enormous one. This set has already been shown in places including Time Square, Shibuya, Spain, and London. And we want to keep traveling the world to bring individuals and their dreams closer together through our artistic effort!

How do you see the NFT ecosystem in 5 years?

Jaen: It's complicated, and there are numerous predictions. Everyone is enthusiastic about blockchain gaming, but when everyone is enthusiastic about something, you need to take a step back, right? In the Play to Earn (P2E) games I've encountered, I've noticed that the game design, plot, or gameplay elements are frequently disregarded. Players are delighted to make money, but they never remark, "I'm happy to play the game."

Some argue that with NFTs, art or visual creation will diminish. I disagree; every artist manages to employ NFTs in such a unique way that it inevitably leads to something incredibly interesting. I can't think of a rational reason why crypto-art might disappear.

I also believe that NFTs will be used in common applications, such as NFT concert tickets or membership passes. By a large adoption, I mean a generalization. To back to art, generative art is gaining traction, but it is programmable art that I find really impressive. There is no need to know how to code to create programmable art with Async Art in particular! It's ideal for a programming novice like me. If this is the path that NFTs will take in the future, tout would be a dream come true!

In your opinion, what is the barrier to NFT “mass adoption” by the general public?

Jaen: I'd say learning to handle a wallet. Even while there are custodial solutions that allow you to have a wallet with just a username and password today, this adds some complications. For example, with our drop on Nifty Gateway, we saw that the NFT did not exist as long as it was held on the platform. You can't communicate with it (unless through an API, which is incredibly complex). It is beneficial for widespread adoption, but it has limitations.

I'm not sure how to simplify things; perhaps it just takes time for folks to learn how to use a wallet?

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